What We Do
Since Triad Pediatrics Foundation's beginning in 2018, we have been able to serve in many ways thanks to your giving! Our biggest fundraising effort in 2020 helped Tenwek Hospital in Kenya purchase an oxygen concentrator and all of the necessary supplies which aids patients in respiratory distress. We have also been able to give to Tenwek Hospital as Dr. Dillard and his family have served there over the past several years. Triad Pediatrics Foundation was able to send a team to Eagle's Nest Children's Home in Guatemala in 2022 (and we hope to do the same in the next year!) where we provided check ups for all of the children in the home and helped with additional medical and material needs. We have also been able to give towards local charities such as The Pregnancy Network and A Special Blend, and thankfully we have had opportunities to help local families in need by providing Christmas gifts and helpful necessities.
Our goal is to continue growing so Triad Pediatrics Foundation can do these things and so much more! We are grateful for the many opportunities God has given us thus far.